Thursday 26 September 2013

Oz TMH tour, Wherever You Are and my new Twitter

Okay I'm going to start off by talking about my new twitter account! 
I have a blog twitter now which you can get to me on @5sosblogger 
I am in desperate need of a header and an icon so if you can make me one, tweet me it and I'll DM your name it Michael :) 

Okay moving on:
W H E R E V E R  Y O U  A R E
So when I was at school I kept tweets through from Ashton and I was really confused... I never realised that they were releasing a song and a video! So the moment I got out of school I watched it and I cried on the way home because fetus 5sos! I love the song and I can really relate to it and it's cute and just ASDFGHJKL 

Okay so as you know, the Aussie leg of the TMH tour has started and the boys performed three new songs I will have he links to those for you later :)

I need your topics! 

This is an important peice of the blog which is why it's in bold and italic!

Okay! I need your help!
I'm looking for:
- Topics
- Fan Art
- Fanfics
- Signle art work
- 5sos Song Covers

If you have any of these are know of any please email me at:

I need them urgently to continue writing this blog! 

When you send me the email include:

Your name

Your age

What country you are from

Your fanart/fanfic/topic/song cover 

Your twitter name (if you have twitter. So I can 1. Credit you and 2. DM your name to Michael!) 

So do it now! Send them to to have your say in my topics and get you fan things noticed!!

That's all for now lovleys, I'll be back soon! 

Follow me on twitter: @5sosblogger you coul even give me a shoutout if you liked this blog.

Until next time, BYE!
Lots of love 
Ellie xoxoxo 

Monday 2 September 2013


Okay so I just woke up to the tweet about make strippers and FOUR KEEKS! 
I have school today so my fangirling has to be limited an controlled... Yeah going back to school so I'm pretty sure you'll get a post of me saying how bad/good it was!
So sorry if I don't post as often and I'm so sorry about the lack of posts over the past few days I was flying home from holiday! :( 

Okay tweet me any topics because right now I have nada! 
Ellie xoxox

Friday 30 August 2013

Pictures, selfies, superheroes!

I woke up this morning too this 
Some hot looking robin and spider man in a car ;) 

And I enjoyed these pictures 

So yeah, pictures, selfies and superheroes! Seriously though, I would mind anyone of them save me, they could me any day! 

Oh and on the subject of selfies - the word "Selfie" has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary along with "Twerk" I mean, what has the world come too!

Oh and Calum's been tweeting again because he did go for bit because of all the hate he got for the Lucy thing which I think was sad :( but he's back and cooking eggs 
Oh I'm going to add a poll at the side later or tomorrow: 
Vegimite - 
It'll be nice to know if you guys like it or hate it!

On a sad note, my holiday is almost over and I come home on Saturday and start school on Tuesday -_-

Okay so as per usual, I'm looking for fan art to feature on my blog so just tweet me @MichaelsNandos_  with the hashtag #5sosbloggerfanart and I'll feature your art! And tweet me ANY 5sos related topics you have for me! Comment what you think and take a look at all the pages 


There's one for free music downloads which I hope guys find useful! 

Oh an I'd just like to take this opportunity to say a massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Liam Payne! Xxxx
So that's it for now!
Lots of love
Ellie xoxoxo 

Thursday 29 August 2013

Some super hero's don't wear capes

@5SOSUpdatesAUT: @Michael5SOS sometimes heros don't wear capes...

I felt like I needed to share this tweet with you because is the most real tweet I've read all night, some superheroes don't wear capes, doesn't mean they haven't saved lives or made a difference. They don't have to have a fancy name or a awesome costume - sometimes someone being them selfs is enough to save you and make them your hero :)

Love you guys!
Ellie xoxox

Tuesday 27 August 2013

I got given a topic and some cinnamon bread and this happened...

first i'd just like to say: cinnamon bread and second: stars, loads of them. Anyway, hello! thanks for my blog :) Right, so. I asked for topics and one i got given was it introduce the boys. 

So here goes...
5 seconds of summer are an Australian band consisting of 4 members; Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood and Michael Clifford.

Ashton Irwin is the oldest and the most immature, he likes to keek, sleep, eat and obsess over my little pony. 

Luke Hemmings may as well be a penguin he loves them that much. He likes to eat, sleep, stalk Calum Hood and fangirl over All Time Low.

Michael Clifford gets a new hair colour everyday. His natural habitat is a game store, although, he is frequently found in the indirects of twitter stalking people's tweets. He likes to eat pizza and he likes to tell Luke Hemmings to shut up.

Calum Hood is under a spell. He was put under a spell a few years ago which made him believe he was a gansta and his name is 'Cash money c fizzle hood' he likes to eat and spends his free time listening to chris brown and going on unsuspected tweet sprees. 

So yeah, 5SOs everyone! 

Okay so when I was asked to introduce them, I thought 'I'm not going to be boring I'm going to out my own spin on it' and well I guess that's what happened there... Well and the effects of cinnamon bread which by the way, you guys have to try! It's amazing ;)

Oh and um, I don't know who made the header that i have at the top of this blog but I found it on google and it's amazing! And again, if you have any fan art for me, tweet me #5sosbloggerfanart to @MichaelsNandos_ and I'll feature you in the blog! 
Remember to tweet me topics! I'm always interested in what you want to see!
Oh and I'm sorry if this blog has been short and sweet but it's really late and I have to be up god damn early tomorrow to go to an all inclusive hotel for the day!!! -_- wish me luck! 
Ok sleep well! Good night, or good morning or afternoon depending on where you are!
Love you lots
Ellie xoxoxox

I like 5 Seconds of Summer. DEAL WITH IT.


Hey, my name is Ellie and like 1.2million other girls in the world I am obsessed with a band named 5sos. I use twitter to keep connected with the boys and no, I don't want to hear your opinion on the boys, or if you don't like them, because all that matters to me is that I like them. Keep your nasty ass opinions to your nasty ass self. 
You don't know why I like them, you think you know but you don't
'You only like them for their looks!' 
Yeah of course because I listen to their faces don't I?! 
I love these four boys. They are my life. They make me happy when no one else possibly can, just one of them tweeting something a little bit funny, cute or even then tweeting makes me smile. 
Back in April, before they left the UK I went to see them at the Islington academy in London. I tried both times to get tickets and failed: TWICE. 
I have to say, I almost cried, I was so mad and I was looking for anyone to blame. I was in a really bad mood for the whole weekend and the day after. 
The Friday before the concert, my friend came to school and told me we had tickets, I cried, I actually did. When Sunday came around I was so excited. 
The atmosphere at one of their concerts is amazing. You're surrounded by people the same as you, all here to see the band that makes them smile, or who maybe has saved their life. 
To m surprise, I managed to contain my screaming most of the way through because I just wanted to enjoy being there. It was a day I will never forget. I could relive it over an over just to see their faces on the stage live again. 

What I'm trying to say is. Girls who are part of the 5sos family have to put up with everything every day, the endless questions, insults that are thrown at them and their idols. It hurts. But Ashton, Michael, Calum and Luke keep us strong. 
I've made some amazing friends thanks to being in this fandom, we all get along and theirs not a lot of drama at all. 
So before (people who dislike 5sos) you hurl your insults at us or act like you know who the boys are, think about why we like them. Think about how possibly the girl your telling all this too, about how the can't sing, they don't have any fans, think about how possibly this girl might have been saved. She might have stopped cutting because of their words, tweets, lyrics, songs, live performances. She might have been on the edge, about to jump and a tweet has come through on her phone, on of the boys tweeting to all the fans to tell us how much he loves us so she stops. 
Don't disrespect my idols before you know why I like them. Don't disrespect me before you know why I stick up for them.
Thank you for reading this, I sure the rest of the 5sos family will agree with what I've said.
Lots of love 
Ellie xoxox (@MichaelsNandos_)


So, scrolling through my timeline, as you do when you know your 15 and have nothing better to do, when I come across a tweet:


So, me being the little fangirl I am, I typed into search bar on twitter 'Calum and Lucy'. Well you can only imagine what was under this search. Anyway, I really wanted to know HOW these rumours and speculations had started so I kept looking. 
I came across a tweet with a picture: 

@beth5sauce: lucy's scared of large crowds and calum was being the amazing person that he is, so don't assume things 
Earlier, I had seen a twitlonger about how fans waited for Calum, Lucy and Ashton to finish their meal before asking for pictures and autographs. When they had finished, Ashton stayed and took pictures etc but Calum walked off holding Lucy's hand. 
Now I don't know if this is true, buttheta  explains the tweet and how Calum was just being thoughtful. 

So I took a look at Lucy's twitter: @peekaboolucy
I came across a picture of Ashton:

With the caption: 
@Peekaboolucy:The perfect brewing time is seven minutes. Every English person knows this sh*t. 

Obviously, this means she was with the boys at one point in LA as Ashton did a keek saying 'the perfect brewing time is seven minutes' 

Woah woah hold up. I've just seen this tweet:

@5SOSUpdatesAUT: Am I the only one that thinks that the song is about Lucy and Cal published it so he could tell her his feels? Sorry.

I don't know what to think about this Calum and Lucy thing, if he's happy I guess that's all that matters! 
Anyway, comment or tweet me what you think!
Tweet me: @MichaelsNandos_
Remember #5sosbloggerfanart if you have any fan art for me to display on my blog!
Lots of love 
Ellie xoxox

Bad Dreams

Well, like most of you, this morning I've woken up to Bad Dreams
Calum's song, as it says on his video, didn't  make the album, so he uploaded it to YouTube so we could all hear it and oh my god! I can't stop listening! Obviously the only way we can listen to it is to download it via YouTube converter e.t.c but still, I have it on repeat. One thing I have to say is: if this song is this perfect and didn't make the album, think of the songs that did! 
I have a strong sense the album is going to be insanely perfect and just amazing I every way!
I was scrolling down twitter and I've just got some people tweets here about the song:

@tequliazarry: Bad dreams on reply until I die bc perfect

@fivesohs: This album's going to be sh*t.. 


@5SOSCrayFamily: calum's song is sex to my ears 


@ughhashton: Its 3am and im crying over calum should i get a life

This are a few of many fangirling tweets covering my timeline right now.

Okay so my opinion on the song:
It's perfect. I love every single second of it. I'm listening to it right now and I love love love the lyrics and I could listen to this song for hours which is probably what I'm going to do! 

Let me know what you think of the song by commenting on this post!

Also, I've already noticed a few cover artworks being posted on twitter!

This is my favourite by @AshtonsUnicorn5 

And I also like this one by @wildmargaux

If you have any ones you've done yourself tweet me @MichaelsNandos_ and I'll do a separate blog entry for all of them, if I get any of course. 

Okay so, I'm going to round up this entry now! 
Here are som important links related to this blog entry:

Thanks for reading! Comment and follow me on twitter @MichaelsNandos_
Lots of love
Ellie xoxox

Welcome 5sos family!

Welcome to my 5 seconds of summer blog!
Here I'll be talking about rumours, gossip, tweets, songs and just anything to do with those 5 Aussies :)
My twitter is @MichaelsNandos_ if you have any topics for me! Or just comment underneath this post! Also, I you have any fan art you want me to feature in this blog tweet me a picture of it using the hashtag #5sosbloggerfanart 
I hope you enjoy this blog, there is more coming to you!
Lots of love
Ellie xoxox
(Credit to @AnaSWTD for the amazing fan art!)